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  • Geoff Long

You don't need a Ferrari ...

Good morning and welcome to our latest Tog Blog, whats all this about a Ferrari you may ask, well more about that a bit later.

We have had a few people contacting us with some questions like "I'm very much a beginner, can I still come to your workshops ?" and "I have'nt got a very fancy camera, is it wortyh me coming to a workshop ?" Well the good new is yes on both counts, we welcome photographers of all levels and abilities, we don't judge anyone on their ability or the equipment that they have, we all started some where ! We are just happy to pass on some of the knowledge that we have aquired over the years, to help you bring out the best and enjoy the art of photography even more.

So going back to that Ferrari analogy, you don't need a Ferrari to learn how to drive, but once you can drive it'd be very nice ! With photography all cameras do the same thing, they take pictures and to be perfectly honest, even the most basic cameras these days produce some great results. The important thing is to learn the basics, how to drive that camera and what photography is all about. We have people who come to our workshops with entry level cameras who, after a little while are producing some great results. We also have people with very expensive all singing and dancing super cameras who's results are no better than the more basic cameras. Once you master those basics then ythe fun really begins as you realise that some of the amazing cameras around can really help to get even better results, it's about then that your bank balance takes a ride south, so beware the dreaded GAS, gear acquisition syndrome !

Another comment we have received recently regarding the next workshop on 20th August at Strumpshaw RSPB is "I haven't got a very long lens, so its not worth me coming" ... wrong ! as at any nature reserve there are many great photo opportunities that do not need a massive lens, unless you want to photograph Marsh Harriers a half a mile away ! There are butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, wild flowers, deer, highland cattle as well as some great landscape photo opportunities, enough to get anyones creative juices flowing.

We are currently looking towards the end of this magnificent summer and are planning our "indoor" programme we have some exciting workshops lined up so please keep your eye on our website as new workshops are being added all the time, some will be on Sunday afternoons, but we are also looking at evenings and Saturday afternoons as well.

Looking forward to seeing you at our next workshops, oh and tell you friends to sign up to the Tog Blog, its good for our algarithm so I'm told !

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